Sunday, November 16, 2014

Blog in Retrospect

For my blog this semester I intended to stick to a basic pattern of providing relevant information to any interested persons based on what I was learning in class.  I wanted to try and relate the lessons throughout the chapters to scenarios and discussion that the average person could understand.  I didn’t necessarily achieve this week to week in my opinion, but I think I did an acceptable job.  As I look backwards at my postings I see that towards the latter half of the semester I was definitely using my blog to educate myself on the weekly topics with real world examples.  This type of research was very helpful to me in understanding many of the lessons.  Researching different sources each week to gain a different point of view broadened my understanding of each topic.

I made an attempt to use a different source each week, and I was successful in doing that.  I actively sought out different opinions each week, sometimes they made the blog, but most of the time they went into my favorites to be referenced later down the road.  I do wish I could have spent more time with the blog, it was generally the last thing I did each week and it served to bring it all together for me.   I think with a little more care and feeding this type of blog could really be useful to provide lessons learned to future students.  Taking the information learned in the lessons and text book and relating them to current cyber events could be invaluable in tying the concepts in InfoSec to the real world applications.

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