I like to browse the internet before posting on here in an attempt to relate the week’s lessons to current trends in Cyber Security. This link: http://www.securityweek.com/cost-cyber-attacks-jumps-us-firms-study really fits the bill in my eye. According to the Security Week Report “A survey of 59 US firms by the Ponemon Institute with Hewlett-Packard found the average annual cost of responding to cyber attacks was $12.7 million, up 96 percent over the previous five years. The organizations saw a 176 percent increase in the number of cyber attacks, with an average of 138 successful attacks per week, compared to 50 attacks per week when the study was initially conducted in 2010.”
We know that attacks are on the rise each year, and protecting your assets and recovering from the attacks that do succeed is becoming a very expensive bill. Comprehensive risk analysis through asset identification, classification, and listing associated vulnerabilities with their chance of occurrence is a task that absolutely must be accomplished no matter the company. You must know which assets you have that are most critical to your operations and what current threats exist to your organization. These assets must be ranked based on their attack surface, the likelihood of an attack, and the criticality of the asset. Only then can you know where to investigate and place your security countermeasures. Any other method is just guessing.
Even if you have an unlimited security budget a comprehensive asset valuation and risk analysis must be done. If you aren’t spending your security budget on protecting the most important assets in your organization from the attacks that are the most likely to occur then you might as well give that money away because “hope” most likely isn’t a reliable security stance for your company.